Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Yes or No

   Make-up is expensive when you wear it everyday and don't have a job. Lately, I have decided I don't need it unless I'm going out and either meeting new people or coming into contact with a lot of people who don't know me personally. This saves me and the hubby money, probably about $20 every month or two. 

Image borrowed from
   According to The Science of Sex Appeal, a documentary about the facts behind physical attraction, one's attractiveness is unconsciously based upon the golden ratio and symmetry. The closer your facial features fit to the golden ratio (for more, go here) and are symmetrical, the more attractive you are to other human beings. So, if used correctly, make-up can make people more attractive - if it's used to bring one's features closer to this ratio (which, if you watch the documentary, is totally legit, or so it seems) and appear more symmetrical. And thus, some people need make-up to look and feel attractive, and others do not. Make-up gives those of us who have less natural beauty that extra boost to try and meet up with our more beautiful human counterparts. It evens the playing field, so to speak. 
   So, some of us need make-up to look and feel beautiful, while others don't. That's why we have those who are totally against make-up (probably those who are pretty enough naturally not to need it, or not pretty enough to be helped by it at all) and then those who are totally for it, and then those of us that just wear it to boost our confidence or fit in. 
   Personally, I wear as little as no make-up most days, only mascara on others, just eye-liner, brow definer, and mascara sometimes, and make up my face fully with foundation and the works (though I try and keep it subtle, like I believe it should be) on rare occasions. It depends on where I'm going, who I'm meeting, and a variety of other factors as to how much make-up I wear and what kinds of it. 
   But I want to know about you. Do you wear make-up ever, on occasion, or have other habits or opinions you'd like to share? What do you think about make-up and the people who wear it? How old should a young girl be before she's introduced to make-up and how to use it correctly?

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